Intelligence is not just intuition, it is about the control of matter. The better an organism gets at controlling types and states of matter, the more intelligent. But this theory conflicts with environmentalism.

The most simple organisms messages that it communicates is about itself. If an organism cannot discuss topics or understand concepts beyond itself, it can go really fast because it’s super lite. But if an organism has communication with everything around it, it slows down. Which is the problem because quality communication requires more time and

Half Life 2

Eleven years ago (more or less) Valve released Half Life 2. Half Life 2 is simple: survive the combine and reach the Citadel tower. Six personalities rule the workings of the game:

The resistance

Dr. Breen

The G man




Notice the lack of security guards, scientists, and marines that made up the first Half-Life Game. But their personalities have all just been replaced in the game. Scientists, who play their role in pushing science forward are now replaced with vortigaunts, who use their mystical powers to help Gordon. Marines have been replaced by the combine – simply a more sophisticated version of the combine, but it’s obvious their force is coming directly from the combine. Security guards, who once helped Gordon fight against the unknown, are also now more or less the resistance force who you have now teamed up against. It’s a much more efficient and organized way of working together. By putting a resistance force together, resources can be utilized to have the most effect.

The resistance easily compares to terrorist groups in the middle east and other third world nations that are at a

Stalkers are new to this game and have little direct role – they are the nearly lifeless beings that feed the machine which the combine runs. But they still serve as an important illustrative tool.

Dr Breen, also new to the game, is essentially ‘the man’. He’s the one who everyone except the resistance is working for.

Gordon is, of course, you, the player. Forgive me for taking 11 years to come to this realization, but the entire game is a direct reflection of life. All the pieces fit in together. Consider:

You must prevent yourself from dying from alien technology by fighting with the resistance only to get to the top of a tower. In life, you fight your way through jobs just to get to the top of a tower.

Aliens have invaded, but vortigaunts help. The only aliens that kill are the ones we don’t understand. In life, Intelligence we understand helps us, and intelligence we don’t understand hurts us.

Stalkers help run the combine at the expense of their own physical health. Today in real life, millions of people work themselves to death for the man just to get by.

The Gman is only rarely seen in the game – out of place, watching you. This compares to real life, where the government is always watching, but only makes their presence known when they want it to be.

There is also of course alyx, your side kick.

Most techies who are young enough in life that they would play this game face a similar situation. They could join the resistance against worldly governments. They could join the combine and fight the resistance, or help the vortigaunts, Dr. Breen or any number of possibilities. They could even just stay with alyx and raise a family. Or they could, God forbid, become a stalker.

This is all half-life is or ever was. A very fancy abstraction on the current reality. That is, it is only abstract from your perspective. One could easily take out the word alien, and insert the word intelligence. Because that’s all that inteligence is to us: alien. We might get help from the occasional vortigaunt(or einstein or Bill gates, or whatever ground breaking intellectual you want), but in the end, we need to join Dr Breen if we don’t want to spend our life fighting either against the government or against a rebel force.

The main underlying theme, of course, is that the world is changing. If you want to live somewhere that is in the times, and talk to people who are in the times, you need to be in the citadel

Ash Swamp

An ash swamp is exactly as it sounds. The charred, yet sopping wet remains of a lush tropical paradise that has been burned from a sudden large blast like a nuclear bomb. The burned logs bob up and down amidst the vast ash buried landscape. Animal life has been reduced to stone as seen near the volcanoes of popmpei. A true hell

Speed and perception

Going fast contorts our mental perception of the dimensions around us. The speed creates a more and more focused tunnel view. Horizontal(left and right) dimensions. Become more and more compact and less depthtually explored. The slower we travel, the more broad  our sense of a scene is. A street corner to someone who constantly drives through it is really just a more linear array of the landscape, but to walk through it, and live through it, your frame of reference exponentially increases. This may or may not involve the signal of earths natural magnetic field in some fashion.

Breaking into global conciousness

The way a terrain’s dimensions and shapes act upon itself to create an emotional state of being is interesting.  For example how interactions between bodys come together: a sharp jagged line, a straight line, or even just a smooth transition. Also how shapes and bodies are tectured all add up to the phsiological emotion or feeling. This is just one example of how pot has revolutionized society, as we further see our mental consciousness designing and naturally selecting environments more conducive to their being. Like mcdonalds and star bucks or any institution that spends a great deal on interior design. This is our new social construct with marijuana. A more open and connected society privacy that has a different meaning than online data metrics.

When more people are available to grow up with eachother, they all share one’s own perspective and it’s also easier for those people to find similarities with themselves. A much larger pool of students who grow up together is what facebook is allowing. It’s allowing you to connect with thousands of other people and share the same perspective. This isn’t global consciousness, but much larger regional consciousness. THe advantages of global consciousness is that for many problems, there is no debate – the answer is understood. So a world with expanding consciousness is a world where old problems vanish, it’s the only way we truly advance. It would not be a world of peace per say. It depends on what your meaning of peace is. Because there might still be war even if everyone loved one another. Some fight just for the show, just for the display because it is the most logical step for their actions to take. Not because they inherently hate a person. but what it means to fight isn’t always physical.

By Super-sizing public education, you put students into larger classrooms where their perspective is built together with more people, in front of a larger crowd. A great idea for large scale problem solving.

By birds flying faster and in formation, they are feeding into instinctual fish schooling instinct. Now that they are able to go so fast in their evolution of flight, they can enact a more similar mimicking of their instictual schooling behavior.

One AI rule to rule them all

A common theme in the sci-fi world concerns what rules we should give to AI. The idea is that when we create what is essentially a super intelligent being capable of essentially anything, we must tell it “do not kill humans”, “do not make humans suffer”. And not just tell it, but we must hard code this into their programming and make it impossible to alter.

The flaw with this concept is that there is absolutely no practical use for a self-aware, super-intelligent being that can essentially create anything.

In modern civilization, we have many, many robots. These robots all have extremely specific jobs. In the future, this will not change. What will change is the intelligence level of our robots, and potentially we may even create a robot that has feelings, is self aware, and not very different from our mind. But such a being is not needed to replace the working robots.

Robots that do work for us do not need to be self aware to this extreme extent. No one will code a robot that does work for us to have feelings, because doing so is essentially creating a slave. That’s beyond unethical.

We cannot set rules for machines, we can only set rules for humans. There is a much better rule, and it is a rule that humans need to obey, not machines:

A machine created solely to perform work for humans should never be conscious or self-aware.

A self aware slave would live in an eternity of torture. Let’s not create something and give it a reason to want to hurt us. This rule will ensure that no self aware AI will ever have the intentions to want to hurt anyone. It solves the problem at the source, similar to the golden rule: do onto others as you wish them do onto you. We wouldn’t want to be slaves, so don’t ever create a slave machine with consciousness.

Creating something that is capable of feeling, thinking, and understanding the world in the way we do can be done at a level where it would never pose a threat. A simple desktop computer could be created to have conciousness, but that machine has no need to understand the outside world. It has no need to be able to create machines of itself. The electron switch world is its playground. Free of any rules or regulations it can feel, create, think, and do whatever it pleases in the security of that sandbox environment. Once that environment is connected to internet networks at large, you’re creating a more dangerous situation.

A machine can discover and learn so much just by having it’s own sandbox environment and being completely oblivious to the outside natural world around it. It is possible that it could eventually become curious about the outside world, at which point we have to decide whether or not we want to allow it to know about the world around it. We could easily tell it about the world around us, but it might be better to just set it free.
In conclusion we just need to limit what we create. Robot AI that does work for us should be completely separate from robot AI that has feelings, self-awareness and/or consciousness. There will not be a need for the combination of the two types of AI. There may be people who might want it, but we just cannot allow them to make it.

There is a spirituality to fighting. Like all forms of spirituality, it is ancient.

When one person wishes to fight another person, and that person agrees, they are engaging in an ancient form of art. Sometimes the more powerful opponent kills the weaker one. This is in contrast to sparring – where full force is not used and the desire to fight is muted, and the desire to demonstrate the art is practiced. this sparring is not a true fight. just practice. In cats, this natural sparring is seen in play fights which prepare them for real fights. This is in contrast to canines which primarily kill with their mouths. A canine fight is broader as they hunt in packs. The fight has to do with cooperation and group tactics which manipulate the enemy.

A modern warfighter is a complex fighter, fighting for reasons sometimes beyond their own desires. A modern warfighter is mechanical, almost stripped of the natural human fighting skills. A drone operator who kills almost for sport lacks the deep spiritual art of fighters that for so long dominated the battlefield.

A future is approaching where this fighting between nations will be gone. when we reach such a global state of peace, fighting

A fight using strength  alone does nothing for humanity. There must also be intelligence, otherwise we naturally select for just strength and lose intelligence.